How Often Should Fire Extinguishers Be Tested In Australia 2022


How Often Should Fire Extinguishers Be Tested?

Fire extinguishers need to be tested regularly to ensure that they will be able to operate effectively in the event of a fire. How long has it been since your office fire extinguishers were tested?

It is mandatory to have a fire extinguisher in your place of business. There’s a good reason for that legislation because over 90% of all fires are first extinguished using a portable fire extinguisher. So, having the correct fire extinguishers in your business and making sure that they’re correctly maintained and serviced properly is an important safety responsibility and it could save lives. How many fire extinguishers and what type of fire extinguisher you need depends on the type of business you operate and the fire risks in your business.

How often should my fire extinguishers be tested?

Portable fire extinguishers should be tested every six months. There are also additional tests that need to be completed at 12 months, three years and five years. Extinguishers need to be pressure tested and refilled regularly. Extinguishers also need to be maintained correctly between services to ensure that if the time comes that they need to be used, that they will work correctly.

How do I know if my fire extinguisher has been tested?

As a rule of thumb, if you have to ask this question then the answer is that even if it has been tested it probably needs to be tested again. Six months passes very quickly in business, so if you don’t know whether your extinguishers have been tested or can’t remember the last time they were tested, then their last test was too long ago!

Under Australian fire standards, fire extinguishers must carry a metal tag which records when the extinguisher was last tested so you can easily check for the exact date.
How many fire extinguishers do I need?

The number of fire extinguishers you need in your business is governed by Australian Standard 2444 and the Building Code of Australia. You should get an expert trained in fire safety to conduct a risk assessment of your business to work out exactly how many fire extinguishers you need and what type of extinguisher they should be. The team at Jim’s Fire Safety can easily assist you with this assessment. All technicians at Jim’s Fire Safety are Certificate 2 trained and FPAS (Fire Protection Australia) certified.

Where should I store my fire extinguishers?

Fire extinguishers should be wall mounted in a prominent position where they are easily accessible if needed in an emergency. There should be clear signage which indicates where the fire extinguisher is located. Fire extinguishers should be located close to the greatest fire risk in your business in an area that is easily accessible by all staff.

As part of the safety procedures in your business you should ensure that all employees are aware of the location of the fire extinguisher and know how to use it. All the equipments should be tested and tagged.

Who should service my fire extinguishers?

Always use a reputable company that meets the Australian standards to conduct fire safety assessments, make recommendations on fire protection equipment and maintain and test your fire equipment. Depending on your business, you may need multiple fire extinguishers of different types and may also require fire blankets and other fire protection equipment. Jim’s Fire Safety will conduct a risk assessment for your business with you on site, advise what equipment you need, and then maintain and regularly test that equipment.

It’s good to establish a long-term relationship with your fire safety provider. Jim’s Fire Safety will keep records on your behalf detailing the fire equipment and Portable Appliance Testing you have on site in your business and how often it has been tested . This can be important for insurance and legal claims in the event of a fire in your business. Phone 13 15 46 for more information on fire safety in your workplace.

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